Java Programs

Stock Market Simulator

Stock Market Simulator Login

This is a program that I created in a group for my capstone project at RMIT. It is made in Java, using Swing and JavaFX for the user interface Derby as it's SQL database.

View Source

You can view all of the source code for this project on GitHub by clicking the link on the right.


A downloadable version of this program will be available in the future.

Farming Bonanza

This is a Java game that I created for my Programming 2 Assignment at RMIT. The objective is to make a profit by buying and selling livestock for growing crops and herding animals.

The GUI was created using the swing framework along with AWT for event-driven programming.

Playable Copy

A playable copy of this game is available by running the jar file found in the archive. You can download this archive by clicking on the button to the right.

Note: To open a jar file you must be using a desktop operating system that has the Java Runtime environment installed. If you do not have Java installed it can be downloaded here>

Source Code

The source code for this program can be found on GitHub by clcking on the button to the right