PDF Document
There is a PDF version of my CV/Resume which cab be view by clicking the button to the right.
Programming Skills
- Programming proficiency in C++, C# and Java including
- Advanced OO concepts including Class inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces
- Use of C/C++ pointers, memory allocation on the heap and freeing memory
- Writing of C# s
- Unity programming with C#
- Use of Raylib library
- OpenGL and GLSL
- Java Swing-based GUIs with event-driven programming
- File I/O
- Java Network Programming with multithreading
- Java Unit Testing with JUnit
- Android application development using Java
- Web programming including the use of
- HTML, CSS & JavaScript
- PHP including reading from MySQL using Laravel
- ASP.Net using C# Programming backend
- Restful APIs using Laravel and Flask
- Python Programming including IOT with Raspberry Pi + Sensehat
Unity 3D Engine Skills
- Creating game objects, attaching components to them, and turning game objects into prefabs
- Importing and using assets and packages
- Writing scripts in C# for gameplay, collisions, animations, particle system, audio, Unity Events
- Controlling animation with Unity Animator
- Designing and programming user interfaces
Team Work and Project Management
- Experience in software development project management in an agile environment using SCRUM
- Use of Git, GitHub and GitKraken for version control
- Use of Hack'n'Plan and Trello for project planning and collaboration
Other I.T. Skills
- Database design and development including ER Diagrams and SQL code
- Object-oriented design with UML diagrams including use-case, class, object, sequence, state, activity
- UX skills including
- User interface design
- Use-case scenarios and user stories
Multimedia Skills
- Image creation and manipulation including photo editing
- Computer Illustration
- Video Editing
- Animation in Flash
- Basic 3D modelling
Software I have used
- Unity 3D Engine
- Adobe Creative Suite/Cloud including:
Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Director - 3D Studio Max
- Programming IDEs including:
Visual Studio, Eclipse Java, Eclipse PHP, Android Studio, Jetbrains PHPStorm, Atom
Certificates I have obtained