

This is a Tetris clone called "Paultris" that I have created for windows in C++ using SDL2. It makes use of the SDL_image, SDL_TTF and SDL_mixer libraries.

How to play

The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible by clearing horizontal lines of Blocks. The player must rotate, move, and drop the falling tetrominoes inside the playing field. Lines are cleared when they are filled with Blocks and have no empty spaces.

As lines are cleared, the level increases and tetriminos fall faster, making the game progressively more challenging. If the Blocks land above the top of the playing field, the game is over.

For some more tips on playing the game please read the following article:


The following controls are used to play this version of the game:
Arrow keys or A, S, D: Move tetromino
Up Arrow or W: Rotate tetromino
Q: Rotate left
E: Rotate right
Space: Drop piece
ESC: Pause/Unpause game
G: Toggle grid
M: Mute/Unmute music
=: Turn the volume up
-: Turn the volume down

Download This Game

A 64-bit windows version of this game can be downloaded by clicking the button on the right. File comes in the zip format. After extracting run Paultris.exe

View Source

All of the source code for this game can be found on GitHub. You can visit the repository by clicking the button on the right.